Samsung SDI ICR18650-22F Rechargeable Lithium-ion Cell Datasheet

Download PDF datasheet for Samsung SDI ICR18650-22F 2200mAh Cylindrical Rechargeable Lithium-ion Cell (EN) 18 pages Ver.4.0 2009 zip

SKU: SAMSUNGSDIICR1865022FDS Category: Brand:


This PDF datasheet is for the Samsung SDI ICR18650-22F Lithium-ion Cell.

Samsung SDI ICR18650-22F 2200mAh Cylindrical Rechargeable Lithium-ion Cell

This product specification has been prepared to specify the rechargeable lithium-ion cell.


Why Download the Datasheet?

This data sheet provides all the information from Samsung SDI about the ICR18650-22F lithium-ion battery, as detailed in the table of contents. Reading it completely will address most questions you might have. You can download and save it for offline use, including viewing it on your device or printing it for your convenience if you prefer a paper version.

How to Download the Datasheet?

Download it by clicking the button below

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